Are you getting a bird’s nest of threads underneath your sewing work? Or perhaps experiencing skipped stitches? Is the thread really loopy and messy on the underside of the stitch?
Here are some tips to troubleshoot problems that may occurring when threading the bobbin:
- Firstly, have you got a nicely wound bobbin? If your thread looks messy or gives when you squeeze it on the bobbin, it is most likely that you haven’t wound it correctly. A well wound bobbin will have neat, even and firmly wrapped thread around it.
- Is your bobbin inserted correctly? Double check with your manual to ensure your thread is flowing clockwise or anti-clockwise as per your machine’s requirement.
- Is your bobbin thread pulled through it’s tension guide? You need to pull the bobbin thread through the notch/guide to ensure there is a small amount of tension on the thread.
- Did you snip of the thread tail? If you have a thread tail of a centremetre or more from the other end (not the end you are threading) your needle thread is going to try to pick-up both ends of the thread each time it rotates around the bobbin.
- Is the needle thread correctly threaded? One of the most common problems we see is that the thread is not on the silver up-take hook/guide.
- Don’t forget to lower the presser foot.
- You can also double check that you have not got your stitch length on zero.
- Lastly, try holding onto both of your threads for the first couple of stitches.

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