COVID Announcements
COVID affected enrolments
Looking for activities in isolation or quarantine?
Having to be on your own for any length of time is hard work. We wanted to provide an opportunity for those who find themselves in this position to participate in our online workshops at a reduced price.
If you have been directed to isolate at home or you must go into quarantine (at home or in a facility) you can receive a 50% discount on our online workshops.
To receive the discount you will need to provide a medical certificate or copy of the directive from your State Health Department/Ministry indicating that you are required to isolate. It needs to include your name and your desired workshop needs to fall within 5 days before or after the dates that you are required to isolate/quarantine.
Get in touch with us to find out more.
Until then stay safe.
Pre-made fabric face masks
The teachers of Thread Den are making fabric face masks for their loved ones and also selling them:
- Amy Macdonald – crochet and sewing teacher; via instagram.
- Amy S – now in sunny Queensland; via website – olasol.
- Alannah – now a school art teacher; via Etsy – The House of Arax.
- Danielle – Thread Den owner; fancy ‘going out masks’ via online store.
- Jenni – sewing and drafting teacher; bulk corporate orders (50+). Contact her via her email.
- Meagan – sewing teacher; via instagram.
Or Sew Your Own Simple Face Mask:
You can check out our video making face masks.
Get the free pattern we used from Birch Creative.
Check out Victoria State Government for advice on supplies and instructions to make a rectangular cloth mask.

Workshop phased reopening
After a lonely ten weeks of shutdown, Thread Den is finally getting back into the workshop!
Making a COVID-SAFE workshop:
The footprint of the workshop allows for Thread Den to have 26 people onsite, or 13 in each workroom and maintain physical distancing regulations. New protocols have also been introduced covering cleaning, the approach to teaching and the introduction of loads of sanitiser and disinfectant.
Danielle, Thread Den’s owner explained:
“Our biggest change and an exciting improvement was changing our sewing workroom to now house six individual sewing stations. They are 4x4metres and are each kitted out with their own sewing machine, an overlocker, a steam generator iron, shears, sewing kits and all the required tools for a class.”
An investment has been made to create a space that is achieving social distance regulations, but still feels nurturing to students and providing every support possible while they learn to sew. Past students and Thread Den’s members will see many more tools, new appliances, machinery and furniture. New protocols to establish a COVID-Safe workshop have been implemented and there has been a reduction in the maximum class size from 8 down to 6 students for all workshops.
You can take a peek at the ongoing progress on our Instagram.
Not everything kicks off at the same time, read on for details of the phased workshop schedule for June, July and August…
[Read more…] about Workshop phased reopening20 March Covid19
We have today decided to suspend our current timetable for four weeks.
All adult workshops will be rescheduled for four weeks time.
The school holiday program will be rescheduled for the June/July school holidays.
While we can maintain the 4 metre square directive for indoor gatherings, people have been asked to avoid unnecessary travel which means our students shouldn’t be travelling to our venue.
We are offering video private lessons and you can read more here.
19March Covid19 Update
We are following Government advice and staying up-to-date with news alerts.
Students will receive email updates either;
a) as the workshop comes up, or
b) as advice changes the status of our workshops.
Today we are advising:
As our classes are no more than 8 students and 1 teacher we have decided to go ahead.
We have increased cleaning of all surfaces and equipment. There is sanitizer (and of course a bathroom with soap) available also.
18 March Covid19 Update
We are following Government advice and staying up-to-date with news alerts.
Students will receive email updates either;
a) as the workshop comes up, or
b) as advice changes the status of our workshops.
Today we are advising:
As our classes are no more than 8 students and 1 teacher we have decided to go ahead.
We have increased cleaning of all surfaces and equipment. There is sanitizer (and of course a bathroom with soap) available also.
17 March Covid19 Update
We are following Government advice and staying up-to-date with news alerts.
Students will receive email updates either;
a) as the workshop comes up, or
b) as advice changes the status of our workshops.
Today we are advising:
As our classes are no more than 8 students and 1 teacher we have decided to go ahead.
We have increased cleaning of all surfaces and equipment. There is sanitizer (and of course a bathroom with soap) available also.
16 March Update Covid19
We are following Government advice and staying up-to-date with news alerts.
Students will receive email updates either;
a) as the workshop comes up, or
b) as advice changes the status of our workshops.
Today we are advising:
As our classes are no more than 8 students and 1 teacher we have decided to go ahead.
We have increased cleaning of all surfaces and equipment. There is sanitizer (and of course a bathroom with soap) available also.